Carnage: Swallowing the Past 2017


Simon Amstell: Carnage It's 2067, the UK is vegan, but older generations are suffering the guilt of their carnivorous past. Simon Amstell asks us to forgive them for the horrors of what they swallowed.

Tutti i titoli
  • UA: Carnage: Swallowing the Past Carnage: Swallowing the Past
  • JP: カーニッジ カーニッジ
  • RU: Кровавая бойня: Поглощая прошлое Кровавая бойня: Поглощая прошлое
  • UA: Carnage Carnage
  • : Simon Amstell: Carnage Simon Amstell: Carnage
Data di rilascio 19 Mar 2017
Link IMDb
